FOSPA, the Facility Operators and Service Providers Association, was chartered in 2003, serving Greater St. Louis as an independent association comprised of building management professionals and the providers of services working with them.
Today’s facility managers are tasked with the challenge of lowering operating costs while improving building efficiencies using today’s technology and better management practices. Facility managers are being asked to strive for operational excellence. If you oversee a physical plant, FOSPA has members who can help you find innovative solutions that benefit you and your organization.
Our association’s goal is to provide an educational program in a relaxed social setting that is fun, productive and informative. Over the course of the year, we will provide tours, training, and information that will help all members improve efficiency and productivity in their current positions. FOSPA offers a networking opportunity for those seeking to further their professional career.
Please continue your tour of our website and feel free to contact me or another board member if you have any questions. FOSPA board contact information is located at the FOSPA drop-down tab under “Executive Committee.”
FOSPA membership is waiting for you!
Thank you for your interest,
Bill Weaver
President and Web Liaison, FOSPA